Video production, video editing, podcasting, webinars, and event AV.


What project can you dream up?

© 2023 Capture The Concept


Video Production

Precise, Professional, Creative Video Production

Crafting visuals that echo the essence of your brand is our specialty. Video on its own isn't compelling, but video with an outcome and purpose is impactful.We don't just film things, we tell your story.

A Narrative Crafted
with Outcomes in Mind

We delve into the heart of your story, drawing out the nuances that make it uniquely yours. Every video produced is a testament to our commitment to embodying your message with the utmost precision and quality.

Your Vision, Expertly Executed

We prioritize a collaborative approach to bring your vision to fruition. Engage with a team that’s as invested in your message as you are, ensuring every frame reflects your brand’s spirit and message flawlessly.

Leveraging Video for
Strategic Impact

Explore the convergence of compelling narratives and strategic marketing. Our video production not only visualizes your story but also serves as a potent tool to elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive your message home.

Unwavering Quality
and Precision

From conceptualization to final production, our focus never wavers from delivering premium quality. Your narrative, translated through our lenses, ensures your message resonates with every viewer, leaving a lasting impression.

Client-Focused Approach
for Mutual Success

Your aspirations guide our creations. By aligning our expert video production with your objectives, we ensure that the final product not only meets but exceeds expectations, carving a path towards our shared success.

Let’s Shape Your Story
into Visual Artistry

Embark on a journey with Capture the Concept, where your story is not just told but visualized, resonating through every meticulously crafted frame.

Higher Production
Value Video

A few examples of projects that might be a good fit for higher production value video are:

- Interviews
- Video testimonials
- Commercials
- Training videos
- Online courses
- Event recording
- Video podcasts

Cinema Grade Gear

You can expect professional, cinema grade cameras and gear like the Sony FX6 and FX3 to be on your shoots along with our expert videographers.

Have a video project?

© 2023 Capture The Concept



Experience the Power of Professional Podcasting

Welcome to Capture the Concept, where your narrative is amplified through the nuanced, intimate, and powerful medium of podcasting. Unlock a realm where your messages are not merely heard, but experienced and remembered, crafting a unique bond between your brand and your audience.Whether for entertainment or as a marketing tool, podcasts are a great way to connect and engage.

Podcasting Stands Out as an Impactful Medium

Build Authority: Showcase expertise and thought leadership within your industry.Engage Audiences: Reach and captivate audiences with meaningful, on-demand content.Forge Connections: Establish a direct, intimate link with your audience, fostering loyalty.Enhance Accessibility: Make your brand accessible and present across various platforms, enhancing visibility and reach.Stimulate Brand Recall: Utilize the personal and repetitive nature of podcasts to subtly ingrain your brand into the listener's memory.

State-of-the-Art Podcast Studio: Where Quality Meets Excellence

Our studio, is complete with professional cameras, top-tier microphones, color accurate lighting, and acoustic treatment. It provides an unparalleled setting where your story is sculpted into a premium auditory and visual experience.All that sounds complicated though but don't worry, our expert podcast specialists will be in the studio to help ensure everything runs smoothly.

Versatile Podcasting: On-Site and Remote Production Excellence

At Capture the Concept, we embrace versatility to bring your story to life, wherever it unfolds. Whether encapsulated within our pristine studio or crafted authentically on-site, our team ensures your message remains crystal clear and potent. With capabilities to integrate remote or in-person guests seamlessly, your podcast remains boundless, unrestricted, and vibrantly dynamic.

Tailored Podcasting Solutions: Molding Your Narrative with Precision

We delve deep into understanding the essence of your narrative, offering tailored podcasting solutions that resonate with your brand and your audience alike. Every word, pause, and auditory element is intentionally crafted, ensuring that your podcast isn’t just content but an experience that lingers.

Singularly Positioned to Amplify Your Narrative

Multifaceted Expertise: Leverage our extensive expertise across both audio and visual podcast formats, ensuring a rich, multilayered narrative experience.Technological Prowess: Utilize our technologically advanced studio, equipped with professional-grade equipment, to ensure a production of the utmost quality.Strategic Orientation: Engage with a team that aligns your podcasting journey seamlessly with your broader marketing objectives, crafting content that propels your brand narrative forward.Flexible Integration: Experience a seamless podcasting journey, whether integrating remote participants or welcoming in-studio guests, ensuring your narrative is as boundless as your imagination.

Let’s Navigate the Podcasting Landscape Together

Embark on a journey with Capture the Concept, ensuring that your narrative resonates, connects, and reverberates through the intricate tapestry of the podcasting world.

Video & Audio Podcast Packages

 Platinum Visual PodcasterGold Visual PodcasterSilver Visual Podcaster
Episodes4 (up to 1 hour) episodes per month2 (up to 1 hour) episodes per month1 (up to 1 hour) episode per month
Filming2 filming days (2 episodes per filming day)1 filming day1 filming day
Technical SupportTechnical specialist onsite during recording and filming.Technical specialist onsite during recording and filming.Technical specialist onsite during recording and filming.
Review & EditingOne pre-review of the video with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional video editor (cleaned up, graphics added). One revision after edit.One pre-review of the video with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional video editor (cleaned up, graphics added). One revision after edit.One pre-review of the video with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional video editor (cleaned up, graphics added). One revision after edit.
DeliveryAudio file exported for podcast platforms and video file for YouTube.Audio file exported for podcast platforms and video file for YouTube.Audio file exported for podcast platforms and video file for YouTube.
Remote GuestsCharged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.Charged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.Charged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.
ContractMinimum 3-month commitmentMinimum 3-month commitmentMinimum 3-month commitment
Price$2500 per month$1500 per month$900 per month

Audio-Only Podcast Packages

 Platinum Audio PodcasterGold Audio PodcasterSilver Audio Podcaster
Episodes4 (up to 1 hour) episodes per month2 (up to 1 hour) episodes per month1 (up to 1 hour) episode per month
Technical SupportTechnical specialist onsite during recording.Technical specialist onsite during recording.Technical specialist onsite during recording.
Review & EditingOne pre-review of the audio with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional audio editor. One revision after edit.One pre-review of the audio with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional audio editor. One revision after edit.One pre-review of the audio with the ability to make comments for the editor. Editing performed by a professional audio editor. One revision after edit.
DeliveryAudio file exported for podcast platforms.Audio file exported for podcast platforms.Audio file exported for podcast platforms.
Remote GuestsCharged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.Charged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.Charged at an additional rate of $50 per episode.
ContractMinimum 3-month commitmentMinimum 3-month commitmentMinimum 3-month commitment
Price$1500 per month$800 per month$450 per month

Are you ready to launch your podcast?

© 2023 Capture The Concept


Production Studio

Welcome to Our
State-of-the-Art Studio

Crafting a powerful narrative necessitates not just expertise and vision, but also the right environment and equipment. At Capture the Concept, our state-of-the-art studio serves as the perfect backdrop to your auditory and visual storytelling journey.

High-Resolution Visuals

With three cutting-edge 4K cameras, capture every nuance and emotion, offering an immersive visual experience to your audience.


Crystal-Clear Audio

Our four professional-grade microphones ensure impeccable sound quality, letting your voice and message resonate powerfully without any distortions.


Custom-Built Podcast Desk

Designed with precision, our podcast desk accommodates up to four guests comfortably, ensuring engaging conversations flow seamlessly.


Optimized Lighting

Achieve the perfect mood and tone for your content, courtesy of our meticulously arranged lighting setup.

The Command Center

Behind every great podcast episode is a dedicated team ensuring everything runs smoothly. Our control room stands as the technological nerve-center, from where each segment is directed, recorded, and polished to perfection.

Streamlined Live Streaming

With capabilities to broadcast in real-time, take your content live, connecting instantaneously with your audience across the globe.


Seamless Integration
of Remote Guests

Our advanced infrastructure effortlessly brings in remote participants, making sure geographical boundaries don't limit your conversations.


Real-time Monitoring & Adjustments

Ensuring quality control and dynamic adaptability, the control room ensures each recording session's success.

Why Choose Capture the Concept's Studio


Tailored for Excellence

Our studio is not just a space with equipment; it's an environment tailored for content creation excellence. Every element, from the custom-built desk to the advanced cameras, has been chosen and positioned to aid in crafting top-notch podcast content.


Flexibility and Versatility

Whether you're recording a deep-dive interview with an on-site guest, streaming a live episode, or connecting with a guest from a different continent, our studio adapts to your needs.


Professionalism Meets Passion

At Capture the Concept, professionalism and passion intertwine. While our studio boasts the best in tech, it's our dedicated team's drive and commitment that truly sets each project apart.


Visit the studio!

© 2023 Capture The Concept

Social Media Management &
Content Creation

Custom Social Media Strategies that work!

We excel in creating a unique social media identity for each of our clients. Our team's expertise lies in crafting tailor-made strategies that resonate with your brand's core values and audience. We combine creative prowess with cutting-edge trends, ensuring your content is not only visually stunning but also engaging and relevant. Our approach is data-driven, allowing us to refine and adapt strategies for maximum impact. With a keen eye on the ever-evolving digital landscape, we ensure your brand stays ahead of the curve, making your social media presence not just noticed, but remembered.

What sets us apart...

What sets us apart is our commitment to building meaningful connections between brands and their audiences. We understand that at the heart of social media is the power of engagement. Our team dedicates itself to maintaining active and responsive communication on your platforms, fostering a sense of community and loyalty among your followers. With our comprehensive analytics and reporting, we provide transparent insights into the performance of your social media efforts. This results-oriented approach ensures that every post, tweet, or story contributes to the growth and success of your business in the digital world.

Host a Content Day!

We've had the pleasure of collaborating with local chambers to host exclusive Content Days for their members, creating impactful 30-second vertical videos tailored to their unique brands. Now, we're excited to extend this opportunity to any organization looking to enhance their social media presence. Our specialized team thrives on crafting high-quality video content designed to resonate with audiences across various social platforms. Whether you're a small business, nonprofit, or corporate entity, let us help you make a lasting impression online.

Take your social media to
the next level.

Ready to take your social media presence to new heights? Let us be your guiding force in establishing and growing your brand online. Our comprehensive approach includes personalized strategies to incorporate engaging video content seamlessly into your social media feeds. Imagine the impact of having professionally filmed and curated videos tailored specifically to your brand, uploaded consistently on a monthly basis. But we don't stop there – our dedicated social media team goes beyond content creation. We offer full-service management of your social media accounts, ensuring that your brand message reaches the right audience at the right time. From branded graphics to photos and videos, we keep your social accounts current and captivating. Explore our packages below and let's begin transforming your social media presence today.

No stress social media starts here!

© 2023 Capture The Concept

Webinars & Webcasting


Your Gateway to Hybrid Event Excellence

In today's interconnected world, boundaries are ever-diminishing. At Capture the Concept, we harness the power of technology to merge physical and digital realms, offering unparalleled webinar and webcasting services that connect audiences globally.

Size Doesn't Limit Us, It Propels Us

From intimate gatherings of 50 to colossal events boasting 50,000 attendees, our technological prowess and logistical expertise can cater to events of any magnitude. We thrive on challenges and scale is never a barrier; it's an opportunity.

Hybrid Events -
The Future is Now

A paradigm shift in event hosting, hybrid events combine the tangible experience of physical events with the limitless reach of digital platforms. Here's what makes our services stand out:


Global Connectivity

Seamlessly integrate remote guests from across the globe, fostering diverse dialogues and broadening horizons.


Immersive Experiences

Beyond just watching, we engage your audience with high-quality video and audio, ensuring they remain engrossed from start to finish.


Real-time Interaction

With our custom webpages, we usher in a new era of audience engagement. Conduct polls in real-time, facilitate live Q/A sessions, and ensure that every voice is heard, every query addressed.

Why Capture the Concept is Your Best Bet for Webinars & Webcasting


Unrivaled Expertise

Years of experience have honed our skills, making us the go-to choice for hosting flawless hybrid events.


Versatile Solutions

Whether you're hosting a corporate seminar, a product launch, or an academic conference, our solutions are adaptable to every need.


Robust Support

Our dedicated team offers end-to-end support, from pre-event planning to post-event analysis, ensuring smooth sailing throughout.


Technical Corner: For the Tech-Savvy Readers


Cellular Bonding

We leverage the power of cellular networks, binding multiple signals for uninterrupted, high-bandwidth streaming, ensuring a stable connection even in challenging environments.



Real-Time Messaging Protocol ensures a low-latency connection, offering seamless interaction and engagement.



Secure Reliable Transport protocol ensures that your streams are not just fast, but also secure from potential threats.



With HTTP Live Streaming, we deliver content adaptively, ensuring optimal viewing experiences regardless of the viewer's device or network conditions.

Connect, Engage, Impress

With Capture the Concept, transcend geographical barriers, engage audiences like never before, and leave an indelible mark with your events.

Eliminate webinar stress!

© 2023 Capture The Concept


Event AV

Elevate Your Events with Our Premier AV Services

Every event, whether intimate or grandiose, has its own narrative. At Capture the Concept, we believe in enhancing this narrative with impeccable audio and visual experiences that leave a lasting impression on every attendee.

Comprehensive AV Services Tailored for Your Event

Immersive Sound Systems: Clear and crisp audio is the backbone of any event. Our state-of-the-art sound systems ensure that your message reaches every corner of the venue with unmatched clarity.Versatile Microphones: Whether you're hosting a panel discussion, a keynote speech, or an artistic performance, our range of microphones is designed to capture every nuance.Stunning Visual Displays: Equip your event with high-resolution projection screens that bring visuals to life, ensuring that every presentation or video is displayed with the vibrancy and clarity it deserves.Elegant Pipe and Drape: Create the perfect ambiance and partitioning with our versatile pipe and drape solutions, which can be customized to suit the aesthetic and functionality needs of your event.Dynamic Lighting Setups: From spotlighting key moments to setting the mood with ambient lighting, our expertly designed lighting setups can transform any venue into a spectacle.

Why Capture the Concept for Your AV Needs?


Bespoke Solutions

Every event is unique. That's why we provide tailored AV solutions to meet the specific requirements of your occasion, ensuring perfection in execution.


Technical Expertise

Our team comprises seasoned AV professionals who understand the intricacies of event planning and execution. From setup to takedown, expect nothing less than excellence.


State-of-the-Art Equipment

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, we pride ourselves on always being ahead of the curve. Our equipment is regularly updated to ensure that we offer the best to our clients.


Reliability and Dedication

At Capture the Concept, we believe in building relationships based on trust. Our commitment to timely setups, flawless execution, and quick problem resolution ensures that your event runs without a hitch.


Make Your Event Unforgettable

Entrust your event's audio and visual elements to us, and watch as we turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

Have an event coming up?

© 2023 Capture The Concept


About Us

The Heart of Capture the Concept

In the vast universe of AV and video production, two passionate individuals crossed paths: Ashlee, the creative dynamo, and Joe, the tech aficionado. Both ventured through the corporate maze, accumulating invaluable insights, until they combined their expertise to form Capture the Concept. From Farmington, CT, a strategic hub close to the pulsating metros of NYC and Boston, they embarked on a journey to reshape the narrative of audio-visual experiences. While Ashlee's innate ability to capture emotions and craft compelling stories lends a touch of magic to every project, Joe dives deep into the technological wonders, ensuring every pixel and sound wave is in its perfect place.The Team Behind the Magic
Beyond Ashlee and Joe, Capture the Concept thrives on the brilliance of its dedicated team. From the meticulous eyes of video editors, the strategic mindset of marketing managers, to the nimble hands of our videographers and the tech wizardry of our live streaming specialists - every member plays a vital role in weaving our client's vision into reality. Together, they champion the brand's relentless dedication to customer satisfaction and innovative solutions.
Community Ties
Farmington isn't just where our studio resides; it's a community we're deeply invested in. Our ties with the Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce and the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce reflect our commitment to local growth and collaboration. Beyond the business realm, our hearts belong to the community as volunteers at Dog Star Rescue in Bloomfield, CT. Giving back and staying rooted is, after all, integral to who we are.
Why Choose Us
Our strength lies not just in our combined experience but in the unity and diversity of our team. We harness each individual's strengths, molding them into a cohesive force that drives Capture the Concept forward. With our convenient location, we're poised to serve the greater New England area, but our reach isn't restricted by geography. We're powered by passion, commitment, and the desire to tell stories that resonate.
Ready to share your story? We're all ears. Let's transform your vision into a visual and auditory masterpiece.

We would love to chat!

© 2023 Capture The Concept


Contact Us

Let's Create Together!

At Capture the Concept, we believe in weaving dreams into tangible realities.
Whether you're embarking on a new project, seeking expert advice, or
simply curious about our offerings, we're eager to hear your story.

Reach Out Directly

Phone: (860) 470-8383



Visit Our Studio

1789 New Britain Ave
Farmington, CT 06032
Kindly schedule an appointment before visiting to
ensure we can dedicate our undivided attention to your needs.



Drop Us A Message



Response Time
Your time is valuable, and we acknowledge that. Rest assured, our team endeavors to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.
Privacy Assurance
At Capture the Concept, we respect your privacy. Any personal information provided will solely be used for communication purposes and will not be shared with third parties.

Embark on a New Chapter

Choosing the right partner for your visions is pivotal. We're here to listen, collaborate, and transform your ideas into captivating experiences. Begin your journey with Capture the Concept today.

© 2024 Capture The Concept


Let us take the stress out of social media for you!

Are you ready to take your business to new heights through the power of social media? Look no further! At Capture the Concept, we blend the art of social media management with the sophistication of video production to elevate your brand like never before.Unlike conventional social media management services, we lead with our expertise in video production. Each month, we'll visit your site to craft stunning, high-quality video content that perfectly encapsulates your business's essence in a truly professional light.Now, here's your chance to win big! Enter our giveaway for a shot at scoring three free months of our comprehensive social media management and content creation services. Picture this: two expertly crafted posts per week across three social media platforms of your choice, coupled with our signature on-site filming session—up to one hour per month—to ensure your content shines above the rest.No strings attached, no hidden fees—just a small business eager to support fellow entrepreneurs in their journey towards success. Don't miss out—fill out the form below and seize the opportunity to transform your social media presence today!

© 2024 Capture The Concept